Sunday, 8 November 2009

The Average british soldier


  1. Thanks to Mick Norton for this link,I have just come back from the largest remembrance parade I have ever seen in Blackpool. This says it all.
    For those who want the words here they are thanks again to Mick

    Lay Me Doon

    Lay me doon in the caul caul groon
    Whaur afore monie mair huv gaun
    Lay me doon in the caul caul groon
    Whaur afore monie mair huv gaun
    When they come a wull staun ma groon
    Staun ma groon al nae be afraid
    Thoughts awe hame tak awa ma fear
    Sweat an bluid hide ma veil awe tears
    Ains a year say a prayer faur me
    Close yir een an remember me
    Nair mair shall a see the sun
    For a fell tae a Germans gun
    Lay me doon in the caul caul groon
    Whaur afore monie mair huv gaun

  2. This is the email from Mick.
    Dear All,
    Go to either "Google" or "You tube" and search for, "The Average British Soldier."

    The original is called, "Sgt McKenzie" and is written and sung by Joe Kilna McKenzie. I believe Joe wrote the song in memory of his Great Grandfather, a Moray man, from Bishopmill, who along with hundreds of other Seaforth Highlanders from the Elgin/Rothes area, in Scotland, went to fight for King and Country in the Great War. Sgt Charles Stuart McKenzie was bayoneted to death at the age of 35, whilst defending one of his badly injured colleagues in hand to hand fighting in the trenches.

    Over 90 years later our brave troops are laying down their lives, in very similar circumstances. A very moving piece that is guaranted to stir emotions at this time of the year.
    Best Wishes,
