Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Reunion 2011 Coventry

 Left-Right . Jim Loach, Jim Howels,Trev Green, Brian(Taff) Stevens, Jim(Brummie) Randell, John(Dinger) Bell, John(Toots)Toase, Peter (Percy) Warnick, Mick(Brummie) Milward.

 Left to Right.  Olly Olliet, Dave Cowel, Jim Loach, Taff Stevens, Jim Randle, Percy Warnick, Dinger Bell, Mick (Scouse) Ramsey, Mick Milward,Trev Green, John Toase

Left to Right.  Di Stevens, Joan Ramsay, Mary Loach, Margaret Bell, Pat Green, Margaret Milward, Diana Randle, Lynne Toase

Please Click on the above Photos to Zoom in or out

Sunday, 5 June 2011

Troop Photo Penang 1962

 Some of these names may not be correct apologies to all