Friday, 28 March 2014

Sad News

Last night I received news of the death of Jim Howells at is home in Canada, his wife has put an epitaph written by Jim on her Facebook page, a most touching account in which he states---- '"If that is my picture at the top it means I have Died. I have not passed, passed-on, passed-over, or indeed passed the butchers shop. No, having lived a fantastic life I am now dead. And with apologies to Monty Pythons parrot, I had a great kick of the can and have now kicked the bucket. I am deceased, bereft of life, the Late Mr. Howells. I have completed my 74th journey around the Sun'--------Rest in Peace Jim

1 comment:

  1. Like your style Jim even as you pass. You were stylish in your youth too.

    RIP Sapper
